Those Who Do What Is Right Comes To Light


(John 3:20-21)

It is clear that all who do evil move away from the the light. They hate the light and move away from it.

Reason is:

They fear that their sin will be exposed. 

Psalm 139 summarize that God is watching us. We cannot hide from him, but those who do wrong forget this. God created even principalities, they too fear him because he is the light .

So it continues in verse 21 of John 3.

Those who do what is right comes to the light, so that others can see they are doing what God wants.

God wants light of many to shine.

So he gave us light in the person of our lord and savior Jesus Christ, to save the world and never to judge or condemn it.

Know ye today that every good person walking in the will and purpose of God stay in the light and runs from darkness.

How do you run from darkness?

The simplest of ways, is to Run from sin and do Gods will only, then your light will shine bright.

Praise the Lord.


Father your will for us is to shine as the light of the world. Please enlightened all our darkness today. 


Written by:. Covenant Of knowledge Chinwendu Maduakor.


CONVENANT OF KNOWLEDGE #covenantofknowledge


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